Sunday, October 18, 2015

Where we trip IS our Treasure

Sometimes our Healing, Learning, Growth, Transformation…
takes a Giant Leap.
We say a BIG YES and magic happens, we are blessed, the stars align - and our lives move forward.

Sometimes our healing is easy, fun, fast, miraculous.
Usually we progress incrementally: slowly-we-turn, step-by-step, inch-by-inch.

This is no mistake.
It isn’t a failure on our part, it doesn’t mean God is not Mighty or we are not Dedicated or Worthy…
We have Not Failed!

Our Journey toward who we already ARE,
our attainment of the Contributions that are already ours to offer,
takes Time, takes Attention, takes Intention.

On the way
  • we HEAL from the wounds and the chains that have kept us down;
  • we GROW through the barriers that held us back; learning to leap the hurdles we used-to avoid, and then crawl-under;
  • we learn to SHINE our light, the Light; to truly BE ourselves, as well as BE the difference we want to see in the world.

And in this PROCESS, we discover Blessings and Glory beyond our wildest dreams.
Under our wounds and chains, beyond our barriers and hurdles:

  • We find lost-parts of ourselves.
  • We find lost abilities, senses, connections - both spiritual and physical. 

  • We allow-in wisdom, insights, and true knowing.
  • We allow-in connection, confidence, charisma.  

  • We discover the Light in the Darkness, is within us - always here.
  • We discover the One we have been waiting for, is within us - always here now.

In this slow PROCESS, we receive the Dark Gifts of Healing, Growing, Shining.
And we are So grateful-for these gifts!
Although we wouldn’t wish this Horrible path - the Horrors we lived, and faced, and conquered to get here - on our worst enemy!

And yet, on the other side of the darkness, when the day dawns,
the Blessings of the Dark Journey start to be seen
we are full of the Light, and we ARE Grateful.

That’s what I have found, for myself and others,
When we don’t Heal in a snap, when we are stuck and stopped:
There is a reason: there’s gold in them there hills!

Where we trip IS our Treasure.
Start Digging!
Don't stop until you are blessed.

Best to you on your unique Healing Path!


Friday, October 9, 2015

{Guest Post) Listen. The Spirit speaks.

Guest Post: Jo Hilder

God speaks. And you hear His voice. 
You do. 
But do you recognise His voice?

We are trained early and consistently by those who wish to lead us that our inner voice cannot be trusted, that we need another to teach us and guide us. 

But Jesus Himself promised to go away and send us a Helper. 
We need only ask for His help, and we will receive it. 
There is no trick to hearing the Holy Spirit speak. 

The skill is in silencing the mind. 
And in trusting. 

When you have learned to distrust the still, small voice and look always to an outside source to bring your truth to you, 
when you have only ever heard a jumble of mixed messages when you look to the silence within, 
any confident person who can string three sensible words together will be able to lead you anywhere they want you to go.

But that's not for you.

Listen. Listen. The Spirit speaks.

Selah, my friends.

Guest Post: Jo Hilder
Jo is an Australian writer, coach and speaker: website.
She shepherds a highly-interactive & nourishing FB group: Free-range Christians