Saturday, November 1, 2014

You can't be who you Really ARE, can you? (Yes! Come on in, the water's fine)

  • Are you holding the opposites within yourself  - BOTH this And that?
  • Do you wonder how you hold So Many voices, within yourself?
  • Do you hide the beauty and terror of your internal expereince, and instead opt to fit-in?
Me Too! 
  • Are you Leaving Out parts of who you are?
  • Do you cover-up parts of yourself with some folks, and other parts of yourself from other folks?
  • Are there choices you have made - are making - that you would rather no one see?
Me Too!
I am learning a new way - to be more integrated, authentic... I bet you are too!

It has taken a lifetime for me to learn, and I am still integrating:
  • I really can be spiritually a Mystic and intellectually an Agnostic.
  • I really can be Queer and love God.
  • I really can come from a Christian Foundation, and love the Earth and the Female Face(s) of the Divine.
  • I really can be a Leader and Teacher, as an Introvert.
  • I really can be a Healer, even though I have experienced much of my life as Broken.
  • I really can serve businesses, organizations, and individuals of all stripes as a Seer / Psychic - utilizing soul senses and abilities out in the World.

What are your challenges in being yourself?  holding your opposites?

I can not only LIVE my paradoxes, my dichotomies,
OWN back the lost parts of myself...
I can do it with JOY,
and I can do it in SERVICE.

Are you wanting this kind of thing for yourself?

I can BE all of myself here AND there.
I can talk Jesus with Pagans.
I can talk Soul with Agnostics.
I can talk Bisexuality and Polyamory with church ladies.

How are you practicing this in your life?

The more I do it, the easier it is, the better I am heard;
and the more my world shifts, integrates...
And of course, I am still in process.

Owning all these parts of myself is actually a blessing, not just to me, but for everyone.
Finding wholeness matters.
Modeling wholeness matters.
Acting from our wholeness matters.

Do you want to make this kind of difference in the world?

I am in the continual process of owning and integrating these many disparate parts of myself,
parts of myself that I enjoy more or less, 
parts that are more or less acceptable, in our shared reality;
allowing myself to be myself, become myself in all my unique human beauty.

So are you!
All of us really CAN be who we ARE.
Let's play together, learn together, laugh together, grow together, inspire each other, open our world!

in life
- Wendy

HOW do we WIN the Game of Life?

We don’t have to WORRY about Life, Safety, Stuff…
All we need is right here for us.

When we follow our Spiritual Path, instead of the physical way imposed upon us, and driven within us:

When we Spiritually Die, then we spiritually rise:

When we invest where we are Spiritually Led, we reap incredible rewards:

If you have been wondering how to live life:
This is the Way, and
we inexorably WIN. We Can Not Lose.

So, HOW?

Jesus said:
  • Don’t build on Sand, build on Rock… by Seeing/hearing then Doing the will of the Living God, following our unique path!
  • Seek first the Reign of God, Right Relationship with God, and all the things we need come to us.
  • I see my Father doing, and I do... and we are called to as Jesus did - he said we would do greater things than him.

This is not always easy, but it is straightforward:
  • We open to our SOUL Information, our Spiritual Senses.
  • We intend to ALIGN with ourselves and our Source: with our God, our Light, our Love, our Life, our Truth, our Way…
  • We are FILLED & HEALED & FREED Spiritually.
  • We continually let go of the old self and the old ways (this sometimes feels like DYING, because it is!).
  • We continually open to Life HERE & NOW, as it is, as we are.
  • We WALK our own Unique Soul Path, which becomes clearer and clearer, as we walk it.

Do you Really want to WIN the Game of Life?
  • Say YES to your Source, and get ready for the Ride of your Life!
  • Your mind will be BLOWN by what you do, who you be, with-whom you go, where you end up.
  • You inexorably WIN. You Can Not Lose.