Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Word of God: from Glory to Glory!

From my perspective:
  • The bible is not God. 
  • Reading the bible is not a substitute for Adventuring with the living God.
  • The bible is not the point, it is a tool.
  • The bible is a message of Hope and Glory, or falling down and getting back up, it is a signpost to Choose Life.
I believe that the main point of the bible
is to point us to a real, intimate, 2-way relationship with the Living God,
and from there with each other, and our world.

I believe
  • The 'Word of God' is not the bible.
  • When the bible speaks of the 'Word of God' it means the actual present-time Expression (and therefore Presence and Blessing) of the Living God (which Jesus IS one expression of)
  • The 'Word of God' is Not some vestigial words in a book...
  • God did not get laryngitis 2,ooo years ago ; )
If interested: Please check out this Bible search of 'Word of God' here

IMO, the point of the bible is NOT reading about someone else, a long time ago, doing the spiritual equivalent of...
  • having the best relationship of their lives, 
  • the best dinner of their lives, 
  • the best sex of their lives, 
  • the best dance of their lives,  
  • the most intimate conversation of their lives, 
  • the most sublime and Real expereince of their lives...
Rather to inspire US to DO IT!!!!
To spiritually:
  • allow God to explode/implode within and around us.
  • allow God to open the eyes & ears of our Soul to spiritual reality / Christ Consciousness /  the Kingdom (Reign) of God/Heaven...
  • allow God to lead us personally and fill us wholly in our Soul's Light, Way, Truth, Life
To spiritually:
  • step into the direct experience of God ourselves
  • Live that Adventure,
  • Die & resurrect along the unique road that we are led,
as So many before us have, from Glory to Glory.

God's Word creates the world, creates us, creates all possibility.
Living with, in and through the Word of God: God's Being, God's Doing, God's Presence, God's Gifts feed us, clothe us and set us free.

If we are not getting IN this Blessing;
If we are not BEing & DOing in Alignment with God,
by being with, in and though the Word of God,
We are squandering our life - and it isn't the fun kind of squandering!

  • we are less-than Enthusiastic, less than Hope-Full, less than Free...
  • we are not living in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Humility, Kindness, Moderation, Faith...
There is a Reason for This!
This is a sign that we are are not in alignment with God, we are missing the mark, missing the boat, missing the Blessing of what Life Can Be.

When we are in alignment with God:
  • The Fruit of the Spirit is the fruition, the blossoming, the mature expression of the Life of God with, in and through us!
  • We walk and talk and are filled-with the expereince of the Living God: we Live Life Abundantly! 
When we choose not to do this:
  • Our life can feel like trying to drive with an empty gas-tank, without a map or cell phone or money, in a scary part of town at night... 
  • It is no surprise that our expereince of life can become merely "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

Therefore, I exhort us all to : Choose Life, Real Life, the Life we are made-for, the Life that is waiting for us: Living with, in and through the present-time, personal Word of the Living God, a juicy Relationship with God, from Glory to Glory!
thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Acorn Becomes an Oak Tree: God's PROCESS of Transformation

My favorite Christian teacher, Dr Bruce Morgan, used to say, all the time; and it is my expereince as well:
  • Some churches/fellowships will want you to be in their box, so much so that they are willing to cut off your arms and legs to make you fit.
  • But, God calls us to be ourselves!
  • You are God's own Special Nut!
  • The acorn becomes an oak tree - let's come to our maturity (whole and complete as ourselves), as God uniquely made us to be (the greek word is teleios, see
  • This wonderful word meaning whole and complete, coming to our maturity is sometimes translated perfect: "ye shall therefore be perfect, as your Father who is in the heavens is perfect."

I have been aware of, and in intellectual alignment with this re-framing of perfection for decades now. I am called to be me, whole and complete in God.
But it takes time to ALLOW the God's perspective, true spiritual reality to deeply sink-in - it is taking me and God Lots of time.
"be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"

We live in a world that expects and rewards idealized perfection - it is our culture.  And perspecitve this is increasing through ubiquitous advertising (programming) that tells us, YOU ARE NOT OK... so:
- buy this product/service, so you can fit-in, be happy, get-by, and
- work very hard, be successful on every level, so you can be an acceptable, love-worthy human; and so you can afford products/services : )

Many of us learned at home, that we weren't ENOUGH.
I grew up in a home:
  • in which I was told I had to be (model) beautiful to be loved,
  • in which 'looking good' was the practice,
  • in which trying to be an idealized perfection was the goal,
  • in which earning A's on my report card was an expected default - being exemplary = average,
  • in which I was trained that the reason my father bullied and beat me was because I was bad and I did it wrong (that was a lie; his rage was his addiction, not my fault).
So, this transition to BEING OK, as I am, where I am;
Experiencing that what I am doing, thinking, seeing, knowing, saying, feeling is OK;
Knowing that I am beautiful, loved, and perfect in God... is taking a long time.

It takes many of us a long time to overcome the lies we are schooled in, the programming, habits, pain, fear that we have learned, that we have lived.

In my spiritual practice of allowing the EXPERIENCE of God's love for me, spiritually allowing-in that I am OK, valuable, valid, whole and complete in God...  Heals me and helps me BE and DO in the world in more and more freedom and joy.

Sometimes it feels like God's transforming of me and my life is taking forever.  But when I am seeing clearly, I look back from where I've come, and I am amazed at the miraculous journey.

I pray you are:
  • Hopeful and moving along in your PROCESS of Transformation that God is bringing you though. 
  • Knowing that You are God's Own Special Nut.
  • Allowing God to grow you up into the Great Oak that you Are, from the small Acorn that you used to be.
  • Hearing God's call for you to Be Yourself.
in life, wendy