The aim of spiritual direction is the formation of a partnership between God, the directee, and the director in a holy alchemy, which lovingly upholds the directee during exploration and deepening of one’s relationship with God, others, all creation, and the higher Self… spiritual direction provides an opportunity to regularly reflect on life’s events and circumstances from a spiritual perspective. Spiritual practices, including spiritual direction, have the ability to expand one’s inner awareness where stillness, peace, happiness, and joy reside; meditation (and other practices) ... may be offered as tools to support the directee in experiencing God in every moment of this sacred dance called life.
- Donna Woods
Spiritual guidance is being present in the moment, seeing and honoring the sacred mystery of the soul of another. It is witnessing this mystery and reflecting it back in word, prayer, thought, presence, and action. Spiritual guidance is modeling a deep relationship with the Divine and standing in faith and love with the other as that relationship unfolds. Spiritual guidance is a journey of deep healing and an affirmation of Holiness (wholeness), the Sacred, and the Mystery of all of life.
- Carol A. Fournier
The object of spiritual direction is to cultivate one’s ability to discern God’s presence in one’s life — to notice and appreciate moments of holiness, to maintain an awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, to explore ways to be open to the Blessed Holy One in challenging and difficult moments as well as in joyful ones. The director serves as a companion and witness, someone who helps you (sometimes with questions, sometimes just by listening) to discern the divine where you might have missed it and to integrate that awareness into your daily life.
- Jacob Staub
Spiritual direction is essentially companioning someone in his or her spiritual life. Other ways of describing spiritual direction include holy listening, spiritual friendship, sacred journeying.
- Janna Larson
Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person or group to awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment.
- James Keegan
Spiritual Direction is a time-honored term for a conversation, ordinarily between two persons, in which one person consults another, more spiritually experienced person about the ways in which God may be touching her/his life, directly or indirectly. In our post-modern age, many people dislike the term spiritual direction because it sounds like one person giving directions, or orders, to another. They prefer "spiritual companionship," "tending the holy," or some other nomenclature. What we call it doesn’t make any real difference. The reality remains conversations about life in the light of faith...
- Marian Cowan
Spiritual direction, an ancient ministry... is a relationship in which one person assists another, or others, in attending to God’s presence and call.
- Presbyterian Church, USA
Spiritual direction is the process of accompanying people on a spiritual journey. Spiritual direction exists in a context that emphasizes growing closer to God
- Unknown author, ubiquitous use
(Spiritual) direction is primarily interested in our universal spiritual experience and that necessitates the capacity and willingness to notice God through many lenses. Direction is not about telling people what to believe or how to act but working with the Spirit to discover, surface, name for themselves, and engage in what God is doing. – Rev. Kenton Smith
See more about Spiritual Direction.
Want to come REST & PLAY? Talk about our Walk - our unique Way with Jesus, in Freedom & Joy? With Rev. Wendy Wolf,
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Break the chains of your Darkness and LIVE in the Light!
Are you wanting to Live in the Light, but Really feel held DOWN by the Darkness?
- Do you feel like the 'Dark Side' is winning the spiritual war?
- Are you working hard to keep your head above water, dealing with
- Addiction, Compulsion, Avoidance;
- Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Suicidal Impulses;
- Chronic Illness, Injury, Pain;
- the results of Trauma, Abuse, Victim experiences...
I know what it’s like to be SURVIVING this Darkness,
and I have walked with Jesus, into THRIVING in the Light.
I would like to help you do the same, in your own way.
Life doesn’t have to be This Hard, for This Long.
Please be in touch NOW: Contact to get started
and I have walked with Jesus, into THRIVING in the Light.
I would like to help you do the same, in your own way.
Life doesn’t have to be This Hard, for This Long.
Please be in touch NOW: Contact to get started
If you feel overwhelmed by life's trials; no matter who you are, what you've been through, or how long your Darkness has lasted:
Light and Life Abundant is available to You.
The Experience of Deep Healing and Spiritual Blessing is
God's Gift to ALL of us!
The Experience of Deep Healing and Spiritual Blessing is
God's Gift to ALL of us!
I KNOW this is true: Because I have LIVED it!
I have been stuck in every one of the bullet points above.
But now, every day, I live in more Freedom.
AND I have been Blessed to watch Many others step from Darkness into Light.
My Name is Rev. Wendy Wolf.
I am called to a ministry of Healing,
that makes an ACTUAL difference for you
in your relationship with God, with yourself, and with others.
I am ready to assist you to face Your Intense Challenges!
I can assist you to walk your unique path,
to live the Life Abundant that Jesus came here to open to you!
You can enjoy a helping hand, someone who walks the path beside you.
in Life,
This is an associated post, please read: Moving-out Darkness, Thriving in the Light: 5 Powerful Insights
Are you looking to overcome, to experience deliverance, to BE FREE to live in the LIGHT?
Do you want to, need to, open to God's Light in the face of Darkness;
but lack powerful, capable, knowledgeable support?
See my website on Deliverance.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
About 'Light Overcomes Darkness'
I understand how intense life can be!
Been there, got the T-shirt.
So I can BE with you,
BE with your challenges:
as a companion and guide.
I specialize in assisting YOU to face Your Intense Challenges:
trauma, abuse, addiction, attacks from the 'dark side'.
My Name is Rev. Wendy Wolf.
I am called to a ministry of Healing and Deliverance;
that makes an ACTUAL difference for you in your relationship with God, with yourself, and with others.
I am called to share the Experiential REALITY
of God's Presence, God's Leading, God's Healing, God's Power and God's Love.
Practicing the Presence of God (Meditation) is the foundation of our Spiritual Lives.
Let me know if you would like to plan a time to go before the Lord together:
Opening ourselves to healing, wholeness and direct spiritual connection with Jesus...
Utilizing a meditation container that provides safety and empowerment in your relationship with God!
Because of the intensity of this work; Much of the time I meet with folks one-on-one: in person, on Skype, or if necessary by phone.
I am also available for workshops, classes, and Group meditation or healing events, which are often powerfully healing and life-changing, wonderfully synchronistic and community building. I have a lot of experience with groups of various sizes, retreats, and church events. I work mostly in Seattle, sometimes in NJ, and your location by invitation.
Learn more about me and my journey here.
If you want to learn more, please see my website for information about how we can work together, to serve your wholeness in God.
in Life, Wendy
Bless you in your Meditations with Jesus!
Monday, February 11, 2013
My Spiritual Journey & Opening to my Spiritual Senses & Gifts
One of the ways to introduce myself, is by sharing the highlights of my opening to spiritual gifts, as someone who Loves God.
I always remember experiencing strong clairsentience (spiritual feeling) & some claircognizance (spiritual knowing-ness). Growing up in an abusive household, I used that to help "protect" me (It didn’t really help, in retrospect; but I had an illusion of some control at least ; )
I grew up Catholic. I can point to my first conscious mystical encounter, when I experienced Mary while doing rosary in my room, a few weeks before Confirmation - so i was IDK 12-ish? That was Awesome.
What was Not awesome, was my actual Confirmation experience: where I watched the Bishop having behavior that pretended to be spiritual, but had no 'magic' in it… it was just words and waving of arms, but nothing real occurred as happening. I was afraid of him, yes, and the prospect of being called to account, and being terribly shy, and such. But, I was actively NOT Awed… in retrospect, I was actively disappointed by the lack of Actual spiritual experience. What a shame to have the shell of the experience left as a ritual, but the experience itself be empty, hollow.
Confirmation is intended to be a turn farther INTO the church, but for me, it ended up being a turn away… I know now, that If I want to experience God in church, I gotta 'bring God with me'; but I remember my Confirmation as one of the 2 significant disappointments with my Catholic church experience.
The other big disappointment in my Catholicism, I was IDK 15, and I had been agnostic for a couple years. I finally told my folks, and they were UPSET, as were many of my family and friends. My mom dragged me off to the priest to FIX me: aye… He said things that make sense to me Now, about his personal experience of God. But at the time, the interaction just fed my belief that these religious people are, um, let's say intellectually challenged ; )
I found the whole 'coming out as agnostic' experience very strange, because, except for Sunday mornings and holidays, their belief in God seemed to make no noticeable difference in the life of my friends and family. But, most of them were UPSET about my agnosticism. I couldn't understand that, I still don't, really...
I spent the bulk of my teens as an agnostic. And, I continue to believe that the intellect cannot understand God or spiritual reality very well (if at all) and has very different values and priorities; therefore the intellect doesn't have good reason to believe in God, IMO. In retrospect, I also see my agnosticism as an important and necessary stage in my spiritual journey.
Another important stage was being 'born again Christian' in a house church. I opened to this expereince because of the palpable Love of those people for each other and for God. I opened and I became willing to experience something awesome, a spiritual experience that could be named experiencing 'God' *directly*. It was in part an emotional/body experience, and yet also spiritually true. So, no matter where I have been since, I cannot deny this spiritual experience - this is a touchstone for me, which has been really helpful along the way. Reminds me of what Amy Grant says in her song: 1974:
As I said, my relationship with God was really delicious for at least a year or two, but then, the intellect I purposefully 'gave to God' when i was 'born again' was overtly given back to me: it was time for me to grow up, spiritually.
I did have and I do have real spiritual experience: I had to learn to reconcile that with competing thoughts, beliefs, emotions, influences and experiences in my physical life. That process has been extremely challenging and rewarding beyond measure.
I spent most of my 20's struggling with intellectual issues around God, and then also struggling with allowing my perceptions and relationship with God to shift: again and again. I opened to different spiritual paths and ways of experiencing God, outside of the average Christian paradigms. I resisted a lot, so it was painful and slow... I can see now that spiritually I was being pushed out of the 'nest': to learn, to grow, to change, to experience many different pathways to The One.
At 29, my clairvoyance (spiritual seeing) came ON very strongly in a life-changing interaction with God, while driving alone across the Delaware Memorial Bridge (of all places!) on my way to a solo weekend of beach camping. I went 'out of time' for what seemed like a really long time, but really was just the time it took to cross the bridge...
This very different expereince of God and spiritual reality was intense. My spiritual visual senses turning way UP was not consciously asked for, and stood my world on-end! I am grateful And it was very challenging to deal with at the time. I had no conscious control over my clairvoyance - visions would come when they came… My clairaudience was turned way down for awhile, which encouraged my clairvoyance to develop; but this was disconcerting, since I was used to HEARING God. I was used to talking with God and now, instead, I was being encouraged to visually relate to God instead…
I had related to many different concepts and faces of God through my 20's, but I was encouraged to let them go and interact primarily with this new face of God - this was truly a Delight, but strange and unnerving as well. I was grok-ing the world very differently, I was opening to new and very challenging paradigms. This was a time of Huge shift, uncomfortable and exciting.
Also, my healing abilities really started waking up, ~8 months later, when I turned 30, I was ‘called’ as a healer (“You are a Healer becoming”)
This is when I started getting into Real Trouble.
On a minor level, from the time my clairvoyance opened, I started experiencing more intense spiritual ‘attacks’ that were uncomfortable and confusing, sometimes disturbing and scary. (the worst was experiencing ‘entities’ coming into my space in uncomfortable and invasive ways)
More detrimental to my wellness, I started using my abilities in healing relationships (I became a massage therapist) I was very good at it, but ended up drained, and sick, eventually bed-ridden for years because Energetically I had terrible boundaries – I was inclined to take on other’s energy to try to heal them and transmute their negative energies. I ended up getting almost every injury and illness, as well as emotional challenge, that my clients experienced – ugh. For Me this was a difficult, painful, dangerous road!
Eventually after many years of churning and suffering (and RESISTING), I dedicated myself to an intense spiritual training program. Because of my 'religious programming' against utilizing spiritual senses (psychics are evil) AND my fear of being 'seen' and judged; as well as avoidance of getting down to my Real Healing (which has been Intense) - I avoided this for many years.
I was very ill, bedridden or housebound for years - and headed downward. I believe if I hadn’t finally been willing to take this healing road, to repent (change direction), I would be dead by now, after much terrible suffering... This lever of extreme illness 'strongly-encouraged' me to shift and open to my own spiritual healing and development in a whole new way. I had not been willing to LET GO, to allow my concept of God and myself and the world to fundamentally shift, except under these most dire of circumstances!
Finally, I did go where I had been led (but avoided) for years - I learned to utilize techniques that really serve me spiritually, to co-create healing and spiritual opening - for myself and others. I learned to be spiritually safe & comfortable, to own my personal space, and be in charge of my spiritual abilities. Practicing daily meditation, as well as serving others through teaching, healing, and utilizing spiritual gifts as a minister, in safe, structured ways has served me greatly in the process of my physical, emotional, relational and spiritual wellness. And my healing has, of course, made a huge difference in my ability to serve others, as well. I committed to learn, practice and serve in an intense Psychic/Soul healing & training program for 4 years, and since 1995 I have been healing and serving on my own.
I enjoy my gifts and abilities very much, and I allow them to continue opening/increasing. I believe we are all spirit, and we all have these spiritual senses and abilities, it is a matter of allowing them to open (or re-open) in safe and comfortable ways.
I continue to deepen in my spiritual path, relationship with God, Jesus, Angels, and other spiritual supporters. I work with others to assist them on their own unique journey.
I am so glad for my challenges, they have led me to an Incredible, Exciting, Fruitful life in God and in service to other's spiritual deepening.
So that is my spiritual journey, in a *relatively* small nutshell.
If you are interested, there is more about me here.
Best to you on Your Unique Path, Wendy
I always remember experiencing strong clairsentience (spiritual feeling) & some claircognizance (spiritual knowing-ness). Growing up in an abusive household, I used that to help "protect" me (It didn’t really help, in retrospect; but I had an illusion of some control at least ; )
I grew up Catholic. I can point to my first conscious mystical encounter, when I experienced Mary while doing rosary in my room, a few weeks before Confirmation - so i was IDK 12-ish? That was Awesome.
What was Not awesome, was my actual Confirmation experience: where I watched the Bishop having behavior that pretended to be spiritual, but had no 'magic' in it… it was just words and waving of arms, but nothing real occurred as happening. I was afraid of him, yes, and the prospect of being called to account, and being terribly shy, and such. But, I was actively NOT Awed… in retrospect, I was actively disappointed by the lack of Actual spiritual experience. What a shame to have the shell of the experience left as a ritual, but the experience itself be empty, hollow.
Confirmation is intended to be a turn farther INTO the church, but for me, it ended up being a turn away… I know now, that If I want to experience God in church, I gotta 'bring God with me'; but I remember my Confirmation as one of the 2 significant disappointments with my Catholic church experience.
The other big disappointment in my Catholicism, I was IDK 15, and I had been agnostic for a couple years. I finally told my folks, and they were UPSET, as were many of my family and friends. My mom dragged me off to the priest to FIX me: aye… He said things that make sense to me Now, about his personal experience of God. But at the time, the interaction just fed my belief that these religious people are, um, let's say intellectually challenged ; )
I found the whole 'coming out as agnostic' experience very strange, because, except for Sunday mornings and holidays, their belief in God seemed to make no noticeable difference in the life of my friends and family. But, most of them were UPSET about my agnosticism. I couldn't understand that, I still don't, really...
I spent the bulk of my teens as an agnostic. And, I continue to believe that the intellect cannot understand God or spiritual reality very well (if at all) and has very different values and priorities; therefore the intellect doesn't have good reason to believe in God, IMO. In retrospect, I also see my agnosticism as an important and necessary stage in my spiritual journey.
Another important stage was being 'born again Christian' in a house church. I opened to this expereince because of the palpable Love of those people for each other and for God. I opened and I became willing to experience something awesome, a spiritual experience that could be named experiencing 'God' *directly*. It was in part an emotional/body experience, and yet also spiritually true. So, no matter where I have been since, I cannot deny this spiritual experience - this is a touchstone for me, which has been really helpful along the way. Reminds me of what Amy Grant says in her song: 1974:
As the years go byMy clairaudience (spiritual hearing) came on strong after a Christian ‘baptism in the Spirit’ right after being 'born again' when I was 17. I was 'on fire' with God for a couple years, after that the honeymoon was over, but real 'married life' had begun, in earnest...
How I need to see
That's still me
As I said, my relationship with God was really delicious for at least a year or two, but then, the intellect I purposefully 'gave to God' when i was 'born again' was overtly given back to me: it was time for me to grow up, spiritually.
I did have and I do have real spiritual experience: I had to learn to reconcile that with competing thoughts, beliefs, emotions, influences and experiences in my physical life. That process has been extremely challenging and rewarding beyond measure.
I spent most of my 20's struggling with intellectual issues around God, and then also struggling with allowing my perceptions and relationship with God to shift: again and again. I opened to different spiritual paths and ways of experiencing God, outside of the average Christian paradigms. I resisted a lot, so it was painful and slow... I can see now that spiritually I was being pushed out of the 'nest': to learn, to grow, to change, to experience many different pathways to The One.
At 29, my clairvoyance (spiritual seeing) came ON very strongly in a life-changing interaction with God, while driving alone across the Delaware Memorial Bridge (of all places!) on my way to a solo weekend of beach camping. I went 'out of time' for what seemed like a really long time, but really was just the time it took to cross the bridge...
This very different expereince of God and spiritual reality was intense. My spiritual visual senses turning way UP was not consciously asked for, and stood my world on-end! I am grateful And it was very challenging to deal with at the time. I had no conscious control over my clairvoyance - visions would come when they came… My clairaudience was turned way down for awhile, which encouraged my clairvoyance to develop; but this was disconcerting, since I was used to HEARING God. I was used to talking with God and now, instead, I was being encouraged to visually relate to God instead…
I had related to many different concepts and faces of God through my 20's, but I was encouraged to let them go and interact primarily with this new face of God - this was truly a Delight, but strange and unnerving as well. I was grok-ing the world very differently, I was opening to new and very challenging paradigms. This was a time of Huge shift, uncomfortable and exciting.
Also, my healing abilities really started waking up, ~8 months later, when I turned 30, I was ‘called’ as a healer (“You are a Healer becoming”)
This is when I started getting into Real Trouble.
On a minor level, from the time my clairvoyance opened, I started experiencing more intense spiritual ‘attacks’ that were uncomfortable and confusing, sometimes disturbing and scary. (the worst was experiencing ‘entities’ coming into my space in uncomfortable and invasive ways)
More detrimental to my wellness, I started using my abilities in healing relationships (I became a massage therapist) I was very good at it, but ended up drained, and sick, eventually bed-ridden for years because Energetically I had terrible boundaries – I was inclined to take on other’s energy to try to heal them and transmute their negative energies. I ended up getting almost every injury and illness, as well as emotional challenge, that my clients experienced – ugh. For Me this was a difficult, painful, dangerous road!
Eventually after many years of churning and suffering (and RESISTING), I dedicated myself to an intense spiritual training program. Because of my 'religious programming' against utilizing spiritual senses (psychics are evil) AND my fear of being 'seen' and judged; as well as avoidance of getting down to my Real Healing (which has been Intense) - I avoided this for many years.
I was very ill, bedridden or housebound for years - and headed downward. I believe if I hadn’t finally been willing to take this healing road, to repent (change direction), I would be dead by now, after much terrible suffering... This lever of extreme illness 'strongly-encouraged' me to shift and open to my own spiritual healing and development in a whole new way. I had not been willing to LET GO, to allow my concept of God and myself and the world to fundamentally shift, except under these most dire of circumstances!
Finally, I did go where I had been led (but avoided) for years - I learned to utilize techniques that really serve me spiritually, to co-create healing and spiritual opening - for myself and others. I learned to be spiritually safe & comfortable, to own my personal space, and be in charge of my spiritual abilities. Practicing daily meditation, as well as serving others through teaching, healing, and utilizing spiritual gifts as a minister, in safe, structured ways has served me greatly in the process of my physical, emotional, relational and spiritual wellness. And my healing has, of course, made a huge difference in my ability to serve others, as well. I committed to learn, practice and serve in an intense Psychic/Soul healing & training program for 4 years, and since 1995 I have been healing and serving on my own.
I enjoy my gifts and abilities very much, and I allow them to continue opening/increasing. I believe we are all spirit, and we all have these spiritual senses and abilities, it is a matter of allowing them to open (or re-open) in safe and comfortable ways.
I continue to deepen in my spiritual path, relationship with God, Jesus, Angels, and other spiritual supporters. I work with others to assist them on their own unique journey.
I am so glad for my challenges, they have led me to an Incredible, Exciting, Fruitful life in God and in service to other's spiritual deepening.
So that is my spiritual journey, in a *relatively* small nutshell.
If you are interested, there is more about me here.
Best to you on Your Unique Path, Wendy
Sunday, February 10, 2013
About Wendy
have been dedicated to my relationship with God since 1982: since I was a teenager -
it is such a rich, exciting way to live! I studied and served at a
small independent seminary (with focus on spiritual healing, as well as
deepening spiritual gifts and fruit) intensively for four years, to earn
my Ordination as well as Certification as a Spiritual Teacher.
I have received many jewels
from several wonderful spiritual teachers and ministers throughout my life, as well as
directly from the Holy Spirit. I am passionate about passing some of
these treasures on to you, to serve in your unique spiritual journey.
want to know more?
I am so blessed that my work overlaps my passion! Loving God, Healing Emotions and Relationships, Intimate and powerful Communication... that kind of intense stuff!
I live in beautiful Seattle with my partner Michael. I am blessed to visit my family, friends, and students at the New Jersey Shore ~ 3 times per year; and to travel to other places, where I am 'called' to teach and serve.
I invest a lot of my attention in my spiritual practice, my healing & development, and my relationship with God. In my ministry, I encourage folks to do the same - each in our own unique way… and provide tools and support to do so.
Energy left? I love to play in Momma Nature!!!
My Special Sauce
I work WITH Jesus. Yes, like so many others, I work with Angels too, which is amazing! AND what is different about me, is we work together with Jesus, experientially.
So, we don't just talk about Jesus and the Bible - because, as interesting as that may be, it won't change your life! We actually communicate with him and heal with him. And most importantly, we LEARN from Jesus SPIRITUALLY. I share the fundamentals of vibration-ally and consciously learning from Jesus, so you are will be equipped to do this ON YOUR OWN.
I am not up on a pedestal - we are just two children of God, doing our own work, learning our own lessons, and allowing God to lead us each on our own unique journey.
At the same time, I offer Awesome Tools & Distinctions that act as levers in your system, to ratchet you where you want to go, to assist you to let go of what you are done with, to allow God to bless you with New Energy & Possibilities, and create together with God to MOVE in the direction of your dreams!
I am called as a healer. I was called as a 'healer becoming', right after I turned 30, about 17 years ago. It has been a heck of a ride since then, but I am now well-equipped to support you on your healing journey! I am passionate about assisting you to heal, learn, grow, deepen along your Unique Path...
And More importantly, I am continually investing in my OWN spiritual work. I am dedicated to my own spiritual path, deep healing and personal growth; and I have been since my mid-teens. As I move along my own path, the more I have to offer you. I am committed to keeping going on my path and I hope you are too! I know it is challenging and confronting sometimes, but I don't ask you to do anything that I am not already doing myself.
I designed my flexible one-to-one format, which includes Deep Healing, Meditation with Jesus, Soul Counseling and Spiritual Direction; to give you in an accessible way to receive support and encouragement, just-in-time learning, and consistent growth and healing.
I operate through neutrality (comfortable non-judgment) & amusement (PLAY!). These are the cornerstones of our spiritually-focused practice. These practices not only make the work into play, they make the work Possible!
I love God. I have been consciously Dancing with the Divine for over 30 years. It is such a rich, exciting way to live!
Want to know MORE?
My abiding passion for spiritual deepening, healing, growth and presence make me a remarkable supporter for others on their unique journey. I offer training in meditation & healing techniques, as well as mystical experience and spiritual gifts, through my bi-coastal ministry.
Here are some highlights from my path:
- Because I loved playing with religious and spiritual theory & practice; and because I hoped to go on to serve as a minister or monastic: I graduated from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ) with a Bachelors degree in Religion.
- I needed more real-world experience, as well as emotional and spiritual healing & maturity before ministry, so I served in non-profits (Girl Scouts and American Red Cross) throughout my 20’s, in volunteer and field management, logistics, promotion, and training.
- As I turned 30, I was spiritually "called" as a ‘healer becoming.’ So, I invested a year in a holistic, integrated massage training program and graduated Health Choices for the Healing Arts (Belle Mead, NJ) to become a Certified Massage Therapist. I built a successful massage practice, providing nurturing comfort and care to clients. I passionately enjoyed this hands-on healing work for several years.
- Meanwhile, I began having increasingly significant and disturbing physical and spiritual symptoms. Eventually, I became very ill, unable to work… mostly bedridden for many years. Nothing I did helped me feel better for very long, most things I tried made me Worse! I looked high and low, around the country for the assistance I needed to return to light & life... After years of pain, darkness and dwindling hope: Finally, I found a program offering meditation and healing techniques that really worked for me - yay! So, I moved from NJ to Seattle, and immersed myself in this new way of Being; in the process learning a LOT about how to support my own and other folks’ wellness and spiritual growth. I utilized the tools I was given, to assist me firmly back on my path of wellness, as well as to significantly deepen in my spiritual connection and healing abilities.
- I became so excited about this spiritual information and the opportunities which blossomed from it – I wanted to share! So I studied, practiced and served in Seminary intensively for a total of four years, to earn my Ordination, as well as Certification as a Spiritual Teacher.
My Spiritual Journey & Opening to my spiritual gifts
OR my website for information
about how we can work together, to serve your wholeness in God.
in Life, Wendy
in Life, Wendy
Bless you in your Meditations with Jesus!
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